Happy Birthday, Turning Pages!

I hope everyone is staying safe and warm during the winter weather! Today I want to share a few snaps from our birthday party. Turning Pages is 45 this year. But instead of buying a little red sports car, we’re continuing our commitment to helping adults in the Midlands improve their lives and their incomes through literacy. But first, we took a time-out to spend a little bit of time celebrating.

We had a delicious spread of homemade treats, plus, of course, some birthday cake!

Former director Debbie Yoho shared some inspiring words with us — some kernels of wisdom from her years’ of experience, plus some words from her experience at a national literacy conference.

Board chair Bruce Donatelli also spoke, thanking our donors, volunteers, and the Richland Library for hosting us. Both the Richland and Lexington libraries have been faithful partners to Turning Pages. Many of the branches keep small, private tutoring rooms in which learners and volunteers can meet for sessions.

And then we cut the cake! Happy Birthday, Turning Pages!