Bring ’em Back Alive

Editor’s note: Today’s post comes from community leader and Board member Jerry Bellune. We find Mr. Bellune’s enthusiasm to be infectious, do you?

One of my favorite books in the 6th grade was big game hunter and animal trainer Frank Buck’s biography, “Bring “Em Back Alive.”  One of my teachers complimented me for reading a high school level book. Such compliments mean a lot of anyone learning to master reading skills.

Mr. Buck led a colorful life on many continents. That fired my imagination and made me think of adventurous career choices. That was relatively easy for a budding writer as storytelling was a staple in our family.

Thinking back on those early days makes me realize how fortunate many of us are to have been born into families of readers, surrounded by books and encouraged to aspire to any career our little hearts desired. Unfortunately, about one in 10 of us has no such privileges. They grow up in homes with no books, only TV sets, the electronic baby sitter.

Award-winning speaker and business philosopher Jim Rhon (pronounced Rone as in bone) observed that successful people have large libraries. Unsuccessful people have large TVs. My purpose is not to disparage TV. Sesame Street and many other educational programs for children are far better than nothing.

But we should never forget that penologists project how many prison cells will be needed within the next 8 to 10 years by the number of 4th graders who cannot read well.

Turning Pages has played an inspiring role in the lives of many of these unfortunates who some how slipped through the cracks of our great public education system. Your support as a donor or volunteer tutor is welcome. We invite you to join us.

A Valentine to Books

Editor’s note: This blog post comes from board member and NPR lover Genevieve Lyons.

Did any of ya’ll hear Nature Notes this morning? Every day on ETV Radio, Rudy Mancke shares a little tidbit (60 seconds!) from his vast knowledge about local flora and fauna.  He might answer a listener question about an insect or creature, tell an anecdote from a recent encounter with nature, or give a tip to watch for a tree or flower that is coming into bloom.

Today, he answered an unusual question. It is almost as if Turning Pages had called him up and requested a valentine to books. I just had to share it with you all.

For a short and lovely reminder of the meaning of the gift of literacy: Books!

If any of you, dear readers, would like to share your own valentine, favorite book, or encounter with literacy, I’d love to talk to you. Email me: genevieve {dot} ray {at} gmail {dot} com.